
DevOps: Configuring Microsoft SQL Server Express with SSL/TLS

Some applications like Power BI require encrypted to SQL server; Here is how to configure MS SQL Server Express with it:

  1. Get an SSL/TLS certificate from your preferred CA, ideally in PFX format. Copy it to your Windows server and install it on the machine.
  2. Go to Services application and find out the user the SQL Server logs on as image
  3. Let's say you have got a certificate for sql.example.com. Open Certlm application, find your certificate and manage it's private key image
  4. You'll want give read permission to the user which SQL server logs on as image
  5. Now, you can open SQL Server Configuration Manager and enable that certificate on it image image
  6. Restart the SQL Server. Now any remote connections to the SQL server (tcp:sql.example.com,PORT) can be encrypted!